Daycare moms? - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Question about daycare: if you have a baby who’s in daycare full time and have a job in education where you have summers off or most of summer off) or really any job that you get a few weeks at a time off… do you still send your baby to daycare the full day / every day like normal ?

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This is the first year I've kept my toddler and my August baby in through the summer. In the past, our daycare has allowed us to pay a small fee to hold our spot. I've kept them in this summer because we own a distillery/general store where I was needed and its just easier to keep them in routine.

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this makes sense! :)

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I haven’t decided yet. We have to pay to hold the spot. I’ll be working part time so she’ll be there for that and to cover any appointments and things that I need to do. I feel a little guilty having her stay the full time, however, I’m just going to go by how I feel and what I need to do!

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We keep them in to keep our spot and it’s best not to mess with their routine. But I keep them home with me as much as I want to. It’s nice because I can send them for shorter days or if I have a dr appt, need to get stuff done in the house, etc. but they are not there nearly as long and we take a lot of Fridays off.

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thank you for sharing! Yeah I have a friend who is always complaining she can’t stay at home with her son, yet sends him full time for the 2 months she’s off in summer. I always feel guilty about all the time we spend together because she’s always like “we never get time!” And so I don’t see why she would send him full time. I get if you pay you gotta get your moneys worth, but it’s the same thing w memberships and gyms etc. you don’t go every day even if though you pay the whole month. It makes sense to give yourself a break and on days you have a lot going on to send them, but I’m like girl this is your chance to spend more time like you always say and you’re not working another job and you’ve got your salary this summer so I guess I wanted to see if her situation was more normal or if everyone sends their kids full time if they’re paying anyway.

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Just from my friend’s perspective, she’s a teacher and has her daughter with her during the summer full-time. But she switched to a different part time day-care bc in our area you do pay for the whole time, but some you basically lose your spot if they’re not there. And childcare in our area is challenging. Not a lot of great options, the ones that are great or pretty good, you pay a lot for. Which obviously you have to do what you have to do, but it’s definitely hard for those that need it (where obviously most do) until the child turns 4.

My friend was able to switch to a part time one though that is 3 days a week and then her child is with gma on the other 2 days. There’s not as many part time day cares in our area. So very happy for her that it worked out.

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oh yay, that’s awesome it worked out!

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I am still sending her a few days a week for the sake of consistency and since I still have to pay full time. For example, I sent her today so I could do a deep clean of the house. For my LO at least I plan to send multiple days but for shorter times. She has trouble with drop off she to separation anxiety and even after a long weekend she is worse at drop off.

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the consistency makes so much sense so they stay in their routine :)

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We just have to pay a fee to hold the spot. The fee is equivalent to one week of care & it is a deposit so it pays for the first week back. I will be staying home with him for summer. Time with him is more important than his routine imo!

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this. I agree but wanted to hear input of others.

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I did part time she is going every day but only for 4 to 5 hours. I still work but my schedule is flexible and mostly at home over the summer.

I wanted her to keep her routine as much as possible.

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I like this !

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If you have the ability to keep them home, I would keep them home for the summer. I only say this because I’m a preschool teacher and it’s a lot for young kids to be in school all year with no break. Just like us, they need breaks too. I see so many students burned out in the summer. Going to school 12 months of the year is a lot. I understand when parents have no choice and have to work. But if you are home and have the option to keep them home, you should give them a break from school and let them enjoy their summer with their family. You can keep them on a routine at home and when the fall comes around, you’d be surprised at how fast they adjust and fall back into their school routine with no problems!

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totally! I agree with them needing breaks for sure.

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I would send them still personally so they can stay in that routine & they won’t have to adjust all over again when school starts back up.

Even if you just do it part time.

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So not exactly the same but I’m eligible for paid time off for 12 weeks until she is a year (on top of the 16 weeks I got after having her). I take every Monday off and send all three to daycare/ school/ camp. I get caught up on laundry, rest, do my appointments etc. I use the time for different family days as well but Mondays are mine lol. Our daycare requires full tuition for under one no matter what so yes I would still send them because I’m paying for it and she does great there. If I was off all summer she would probably go 3-4 days.

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